la voce

Ursula the Sea Witch was a wonderful villianess in Disney’s Little Mermaid (1989). Even though she was evil, I could imagine she had been a beautiful witch at one point. As she began to fade in beauty and grow in other areas, she still craved the attention she once had. I believe this is one of the reasons she demanded payment for Ariel’s human qualities to be paid with Ariel’s voice. Ariel, so smitten with Eric, agreed to the terms.

Ursula is seen as treacherous and manipulative for her actions, but I also see Ariel as culpable. Each woman was dissatisfied with what they had and they were willing to go to great lengths, even dangerous ones, to get what they wanted. I wonder if this is what we do in life.

Do you have something that you feel you cannot live without, a job, a house, a car, clothing, a relationship? Is it something you are willing to trade for a piece of you that may be gone forever? Are you caught believing that your life will not be complete without it? Are you willing to give up the good you have for the thing you think will make your life great?

Dear Ones, do not be tempted by the enemy to become discontent with what God has given you. It doesn’t have to be the perfect house, spouse, job, children, car, whatever. It just requires you to thank God for the blessings you have in front of you. No looking over the fence at the other person’s life, just celebrate what you have, where you are at this moment.

If the thing has grown to be overwhelming, filling your mind and thoughts all the time, then call it what it is- a temptation. Then when you name the issue, ask God immediately to help you. Scripture even gives you hope regarding temptations.

 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13).

My prayer, Best Beloved, is that you will not let the idea of something overtake the joy that can be found right around you. If you would only use your eyes and your heart to see it.

About gretchenr17

Wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. Writer, farmer, fellow sojourner... at every turn I learn a bit more about God's wild mercies.
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